Game Design Portfolio

Project DeepWeb

A narrative adventure game about exploring deep corners of the internet. It features a semi-linear storyline of going deeper and deeper to save someone, and has a lot of little side character stories, discovered through their websites and dialogue logs. There's puzzle elements every once in a while, too.




A minimal atmospheric puzzle adventure about extending walls in the correct order. It's fairly short, with simple elegant puzzles and decent pacing.

I made this game by myself during a game jam, and it scored 4/948 in gameplay, got played over 7500 times across various platforms, and was featured on Thinky Games.

Play Design blog


An infinite, randomly generated puzzle game where you use cards with different abilities to copy the example image. Turned out pretty good, with puzzles simple to understand, but challenging to solve.

I made everything but the audio.

Play Source code


A short atmospheric adventure set on a train. Has some nice puzzles and decent worldbuilding. The station gameplay isn't very deep, but works fine as a part of the game loop.

I was a designer and a programmer, and managed a team of 8.

The game was made during a game jam, and scored 146/791. Play


Goblins and humans try to kill each other; you can use cards to change the level environment and help your units. There's a trick to it that takes time to figure out.

I was a designer and a programmer, and managed a team of 7.

The game was made during a game jam, and scored 6/138. Play


A fun little driving game where you drift a train locomotive. When drifting, you can pick up multiple stray wagons and destroy obstacles with them. It's fun, but way too difficult.

I made everything but the audio.

The game was made during a game jam, and scored 584/1720. Play


A sokoban-like puzzle where you can duplicate your bubbles to clean up all the dirt on the board. Levels turned out challenging while being short, I'm pretty happy with those.

I made everything but the audio.

The game was made during a game jam, and scored 97/1066. Play